NMIMS NPAT Online Coaching 2025 by SuperGrads [Free Demo Classes]


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NMIMS NPAT Online Coaching 2025 by SuperGrads [Free Demo Classes]

Live Classrooms Batches 1

Josh 2025 (All IPM and BBA entrances after the 12th) Batch N3 I By SuperGrads


Batch Starts

25 Apr - 09:00 PM

Study Material

Study Material

Live Class

Live Class

Mock Interview

Mock Interview

350 + hours

350 + hours



Test Series Batches 1

NPAT Mock Tests By SuperGrads 2024


Batch Starts

07 Nov - 11:00 AM

12+ Mock Tests

12+ Mock Tests

Best Result

Best Result

Performance Review

Performance Review



Frequently Asked Questions

Can anyone appear NPAT exam twice?

What is the total duration of the NPAT exam?

Is there are any sectional time in NPAT exams?

Is it necessary to join the NPAT coaching online 2025?

Is the NPAT Coaching available offline?

Who conducts the NMIMS NPAT exam 2025?

What are the advantages of NPAT Online Coaching 2025?

What is the educational qualification of aspirants to be eligible for NPAT 2025?

Are NPAT 2025 coaching classes worth it?

How many questions does each section carry?

Are Mock Test are available in coaching classes for NPAT to practice?

What is the mode of NMIMS NPAT exam 2025?

What are the features of NPAT Coaching Online 2025?

I am a Dropper. How online classes can help me in Exam preparation ?

Why Supergrads is different from other institute ?

Why Should I Join Coaching ?

How Supergrads online coaching can be helpful ?

How Supergrads is different from other coaching institutes?

Are there any EMI and instalment options to pay the course fees?

I am in class 11. Is this the right time for me to begin preparing for IPMAT?

What are the Benefits of Coaching from Class 11th ?


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