NIFT Cut-Off 2024: Previous Years' Cut-Off [Category-Wise]

Author : Aparna

Updated On : May 17, 2024


Summary: The NIFT cut-off 2024 scores are the minimum marks to secure a seat in various undergraduate and postgraduate courses for fashion technology and design. You must secure the minimum cut-off score to get admission to any of the 17 NIFT campuses. So what's the NIFT cut off marks for this academic year?

The National Institute of Fashion Technology will release the cut-off just before the counselling process. This year more than 20,000 candidates appeared for the NIFT exam this year.

As per the NIFT analysis, many students found the paper easy, indicating the chances of high cut-off scores this year. 

Continue reading to understand the NIFT cut trends followed through the past few years.

Expected NIFT Cut-Off 2024

If the number of aspirants appearing for the NIFT entrance exam is high, the NIFT cut-off will also increase and vice-versa.

Since the paper was comparatively easy this year, we can expect the cut-off to be somewhat on the higher end. 

The opening and closing rank will vary for different NIFT Colleges.

Check the table below for the expected NIFT Bangalore cut-off and other colleges.

Campus NIFT Expected Cut-Off 2024 (Tentative)
NIFT Gandhinagar 240
NIFT Kolkata 301
NIFT Delhi 64
NIFT Hyderabad 255
NIFT Mumbai 145
NIFT Jodhpur 467
NIFT Bengaluru 134
NIFT Kangra 520
NIFT Chennai 325
NIFT Bhubaneswar 530
NIFT Patna 560
NIFT Kannur 590

NIFT Cut-Off Trends 

Generally, the cut-off marks are released after the declaration of NIFT Result 2024

Let us check out the trend of cut-off marks for different colleges from the post below.

NIFT Cut-Off Merit Ranks

Check the table below for NIFT Cut-Off Merit Ranks for the years 2022, 2021 and 2020.

Years Links
Cut off Merit Ranks-2023 Link
Cut off Merit Ranks-2022 Link
Cut off Merit Ranks-2021 Link
Cut off Merit Ranks-2020 Link

How to Check NIFT Cut-Off 2024?

Only those who score above the cut-off marks are eligible for NIFT Counselling 2024. You can check the cut-off marks from the official website. 

Follow the instructions mentioned below to check the NIFT cut-off 2024.

  • Visit the official website of NIFT.
  • On the Home page, click on the "Admissions" tab.
  • Click on the "Last Merit Rank Admitted in Admissions 2024"
  • The cut-off PDF will be displayed on the screen
  • Download the PDF and save it for future reference

Know more: NIFT Exam Centres

What are the Factors that Determine NIFT Cut-Off 2024?

The following factors will be considered while determining the NIFT Cut-Off 2024.

  • The number of aspirants who appeared in the entrance exam.
  • The difficulty level of the paper
  • Total Number of Seats available
  • The total number of aspirants who qualified for NIFT 2024
  • Performance of applicants in the NIFT exam
  • The previous year cut-off

Last Year NIFT Seat Matrix

A total of 2370 seats are available for admission to B.Des and B.F Tech programs through NIFT 2024 Entrance Exam.

Check out the table below for the total number of seats available for various courses.

Course Specializations Total Number of Seats
Bachelor of Design (B. Des) Textile Design 390
Knitwear Design 210
Leather Design 120
Fashion Communication 420
Fashion Design 450
Accessory Design 420
Bachelor of Fashion Technology (B. F. Tech) Apparel Production 360

Refer: NIFT CAT Question Paper with Solution

NID Online Coaching

NID Online Coaching

NIFT Previous Years' Cut-Off Marks / Last Year NIFT Cut Off Marks

The NIFT previous years' cut-off was released college-wise and course-wise. If you belong to the general category, you must have secured a low rank to get admission to any NIFT participating colleges.

We have provided the closing merit rank for different colleges to help you understand the NIFT cut-off. 

Program Common Merit Rank (CMR) No. of aspirants
From To
BDes 51 317 80
BDes 319 619 90
BDes 620 825 90
BDes 828 1098 90
BDes 1104 1328 80
BDes 1331 1605 90
BDes 1612 1874 90
BDes 1882 2127 90
BDes 2128 2440 80
BDes 2443 2741 90
BDes 2747 3132 90
BDes 3133 3628 90
BDes 3629 4100 80
BDes 4110 4714 90
BDes 4715 5443 90
BDes 5448 6739 90
BDes 6744 8150 100
BDes 8161 9875 100
BDes 9883 11605 100
BDes 11658 14378 86

NIFT Cut-Off 2020

The National Institute of Fashion Technology published the NIFT cut-off marks category-wise. If you belong to the general category, the cut-off was higher than the other categories.

NIFT Kolkata Cut-Off 2020

Course name General ST SC OBC NRI
B.Des Accessory Design 1224 - 4995 4114 4910
B. Des Fashion Communication 1078 3747 3643 3448 -
B. Des Knitwear Design 1571 5105 4511 4699 -
B. Des Leather Design 2366 4327 4023 4526 -
B.F. Textile Design 1150 4515 3541 3512 -

NIFT Jodhpur Cut-Off 2020

Course name General SC ST OBC NRI
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 1218 2916 - 2342 -
Master of Fashion Management 386 - - 535 -

NIFT Hyderabad Cut-Off 2020

Course name General SC ST OBC NRI
B. Des Accessory Design 1118 5221 4102 3969 3177
B. Des Knitwear Design 1562 5159 4477 3989 -
B. Des Textile Design 1565 5078 3466 3949 -
B. Des Fashion Communication 953 3585 4060 3212 2331
B.Des in Fashion Design 422 2542 2719 1492 2379
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 465 1745 - 1167 -
Master of Fashion Management 242 495 544 479 304

Learn more: How to Prepare for the NIFT Situation Test

NIFT Online Coaching

NIFT Online Coaching

NIFT Gandhinagar Cut-Off 2020

Course name General OBC ST SC NRI
B. Des Fashion Communication 725 3919 3102 4534 3051
Bachelor of Accessory Design (Jewellery) 790 3515 4563 3591 2478
B. Des Textile Design 1166 3639 3791 3331 3076
B. Des in Fashion Design 362 3272 1255 1669 2946
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 262 1566 2217 1866 1184
M.F. Tech Apparel Production 513 508 - 80 -
Master of Fashion Management 162 481 546 498 395

NIFT Bengaluru Cut-Off 2020

Course name General OBC ST SC NRI
B. Des Accessory Design 902 3491 4194 5066 4378
B. Des Fashion Communication 517 2839 3736 1953 1638
B. Des Knitwear Design 1007 2898 4797 5117 1143
B. Des Textile Design 1001 3840 3631 3990 -
B.Des in Fashion Design 264 695 3289 1329 3524
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 236 1419 2005 2782 2103
Master of Fashion Management 116 437 482 428 318
M.F. Tech Apparel Production 502 514 - 59 1

Know more: NIFT Placements

NIFT Chennai Cut-Off 2020

Course name General OBC SC ST NRI
B. Des Accessory Design 2002 4285 4895 4108 -
B. Des in Fashion Design 784 1722 3246 1741 3313
B. Des Fashion Communication 2688 3204 3875 4617 -
B. Des Leather Design 2740 4422 4417 5224 -
B. Des Knitwear Design 2364 4158 4195 - -
B. Des Textile Design 2067 4170 5072 3695 60
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 520 1758 2635 1300 -
Master of Fashion Management 396 517 506 - 6

NIFT Bangalore Cut-Off 2019

The following table shows the course-wise cut-off marks for NIFT Bangalore.

Course name General NRI OBC SC ST
B. Des Accessory Design 902 4378 3491 5066 4194
B. Des Fashion Communication 517 1638 2839 1953 3736
B. Des Knitwear Design 1007 1143 2898 5117 4797
B. Des Textile Design 1001  - 3840 3990 3631
B.Des in Fashion Design 264 3524 695 1329 3289
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 236 2103 1419 2782 2005
M.F. Tech Apparel Production 502 1 514 59  -
Master of Fashion Management 116 318 437 428 482

Check: NIFT Fee Structure 2024

NID Online Coaching

NID Online Coaching

NIFT Bhopal Cut-Off 2019

Check out the table below for the closing merit rank for different courses in the NIFT Bhopal.

Course name General NRI OBC SC ST
B. Des Accessory Design 2671 - 4745 5270 -
B. Des Textile Design 1672 - 3779 5236 -
Master of Fashion Management 409 - 501 - 539

NIFT Bhubaneswar Cut-Off 2019

The following table consists of last year's cut-off marks for various courses in the NIFT Bhubaneswar.

Course name General OBC SC ST
B. Des Accessory Design 4020 4766 5287
B. Des Fashion Communication 2347 4636 3944 4334
B. Des Textile Design 2915 4032 5264 4758
B.Des in Fashion Design 1054 3560 4984 4352
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 1232 2537 1162  -
Master of Fashion Management 338 527  - 490

NIFT Chennai Cut-Off 2019

The closing rank of NIFT Chennai is almost similar to OBC/SC/ST category. The table below shows the NIFT Chennai Cut-off for different courses in 2019.

Course name General NRI OBC SC ST
B. Des Accessory Design 2002  - 4285 4895 4108
B. Des Fashion Communication 2688  - 3204 3875 4617
B. Des Knitwear Design 2364  - 4158 4195  -
B. Des Leather Design 2740  - 4422 4417 5224
B. Des Textile Design 2067 60 4170 5072 3695
B. Des in Fashion Design 784 3313 1722 3246 1741
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 520  - 1758 2635 1300
Master of Fashion Management 396 6 517 506 -

Read more: Which NIFT Campus is better?

NIFT Gandhinagar Cut-Off 2019

Check out the table below for NIFT Gandhinagar Cut-off for different courses for the year 2019.

Course name General NRI OBC SC ST
B. Des Fashion Communication 725 3051 3919 4534 3102
B. Des Textile Design 1166 3076 3639 3331 3791
B. Des in Fashion Design 362 2946 3272 1669 1255
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 262 1184 1566 1866 2217
Bachelor of Accessory Design (Jewellery) 790 2478 3515 3591 4563
M.F. Tech Apparel Production 513 - 508 80 -
Master of Fashion Management 162 395 481 498 546

NIFT Hyderabad Cut-Off 2019

The below table consists NIFT Hyderabad cut-off for the year 2019 for different categories.

Course name General NRI OBC SC ST
B. Des Accessory Design 1118 3177 3969 5221 4102
B. Des Fashion Communication 953 2331 3212 3585 4060
B. Des Knitwear Design 1562 - 3989 5159 4477
B. Des Textile Design 1565 - 3949 5078 3466
B.Des in Fashion Design 422 2379 1492 2542 2719
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 465 - 1167 1745 -
Master of Fashion Management 242 304 479 495 544

NIFT Jodhpur Cut-Off 2019

Here are the previous year's cut-off marks for different categories at NIFT Jodhpur.

Course name General NRI OBC SC ST
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 1218 - 2342 2916 -
Master of Fashion Management 386 - 535 - -

Check: Job Opportunities and Salary after NIFT

NIFT Mock Test Series

NIFT Mock Test series

NIFT Kangra Cut-Off 2019

The table below consists of the previous year's cut-off marks for different categories to get admission to NIFT Kangra.

Course name General NRI OBC SC ST
B.Des Accessory Design 2061 - 4236 5085 -
B. Des Fashion Communication 1694 - 4597 4816 -
B. Des Textile Design 2489 - 4679 5313 -
B. Des in Fashion Design 1809 - 3982 3861 3463
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 573 - 2552 1614 -

NIFT Kannur Cut-Off 2019

The previous year's closing merit rank of the NIFT Kannur campus for different categories is provided in the table below.

Course name General NRI OBC SC ST
B.Des Fashion Communication 2637 - 4211 3839 -
B. Des Knitwear Design 4207 - 3664 4217 4872
B. Des Textile Design 3225 - 3941 4223 -
B. Des in Fashion Design 1954 59 2618 968 3271
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 1615 - 2294 - 2620
M.Des Design Space 161 162 128 168
Master of Fashion Management 406 - 526 525 -

Know more: NIFT Exam Analysis 2024

NIFT Kolkata Cut-Off 2019

Check out the table below to know the cut-off marks of NIFT Kolkata for the previous year.

Course name General NRI OBC SC ST
B.Des Accessory Design 1224 4910 4114 4995 -
B. Des Fashion Communication 1078 - 3448 3643 3747
B. Des Knitwear Design 1571 - 4699 4511 5105
B. Des Leather Design 2366 - 4526 4023 4327
B.F. Textile Design 1150 - 3512 3541 4515

Check: NIFT Answer Key 2024

NIFT Counselling 2024

After the result declaration, the participating colleges will start the counselling procedure. If you score above the cut-off, you are only eligible for counselling.

The counselling process is organized in offline mode. Note that you will be called for counselling based on the merit list. You must follow the steps mentioned below to participate in NIFT counselling 2024.

  • Firstly, you need to register on the official website of NIFT.
  • Get NIFT system-generated letter.
  • Participate in the counselling round.
  • Make sure that your documents are verified at the counselling centre.
  • Take part in the seat allocation process.
  • Pay the admission fee for NIFT 2024.
  • Receive allotment letter.


Checking the NIFT cut-off marks is important because it helps you understand the minimum score you need to achieve to qualify for the entrance exam.

It also gives you an idea of your competition and how you need to prepare for the exam. Thus helping you plan your strategy for the exam and focus on areas you need to improve.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is NIFT Cut Off 2023?

When will the NIFT 2024 Cut Off be relased?

Where can I check cut off marks of NIFT 2024?

How many campuses are there in NIFT 2024?

Is the NIFT Cut Off same for all campuses?

NIFT Cut-Off 2024: Previous Years' Cut-Off [Category-Wise]

Author : Aparna

May 17, 2024


Summary: The NIFT cut-off 2024 scores are the minimum marks to secure a seat in various undergraduate and postgraduate courses for fashion technology and design. You must secure the minimum cut-off score to get admission to any of the 17 NIFT campuses. So what's the NIFT cut off marks for this academic year?

The National Institute of Fashion Technology will release the cut-off just before the counselling process. This year more than 20,000 candidates appeared for the NIFT exam this year.

As per the NIFT analysis, many students found the paper easy, indicating the chances of high cut-off scores this year. 

Continue reading to understand the NIFT cut trends followed through the past few years.

Expected NIFT Cut-Off 2024

If the number of aspirants appearing for the NIFT entrance exam is high, the NIFT cut-off will also increase and vice-versa.

Since the paper was comparatively easy this year, we can expect the cut-off to be somewhat on the higher end. 

The opening and closing rank will vary for different NIFT Colleges.

Check the table below for the expected NIFT Bangalore cut-off and other colleges.

Campus NIFT Expected Cut-Off 2024 (Tentative)
NIFT Gandhinagar 240
NIFT Kolkata 301
NIFT Delhi 64
NIFT Hyderabad 255
NIFT Mumbai 145
NIFT Jodhpur 467
NIFT Bengaluru 134
NIFT Kangra 520
NIFT Chennai 325
NIFT Bhubaneswar 530
NIFT Patna 560
NIFT Kannur 590

NIFT Cut-Off Trends 

Generally, the cut-off marks are released after the declaration of NIFT Result 2024

Let us check out the trend of cut-off marks for different colleges from the post below.

NIFT Cut-Off Merit Ranks

Check the table below for NIFT Cut-Off Merit Ranks for the years 2022, 2021 and 2020.

Years Links
Cut off Merit Ranks-2023 Link
Cut off Merit Ranks-2022 Link
Cut off Merit Ranks-2021 Link
Cut off Merit Ranks-2020 Link

How to Check NIFT Cut-Off 2024?

Only those who score above the cut-off marks are eligible for NIFT Counselling 2024. You can check the cut-off marks from the official website. 

Follow the instructions mentioned below to check the NIFT cut-off 2024.

  • Visit the official website of NIFT.
  • On the Home page, click on the "Admissions" tab.
  • Click on the "Last Merit Rank Admitted in Admissions 2024"
  • The cut-off PDF will be displayed on the screen
  • Download the PDF and save it for future reference

Know more: NIFT Exam Centres

What are the Factors that Determine NIFT Cut-Off 2024?

The following factors will be considered while determining the NIFT Cut-Off 2024.

  • The number of aspirants who appeared in the entrance exam.
  • The difficulty level of the paper
  • Total Number of Seats available
  • The total number of aspirants who qualified for NIFT 2024
  • Performance of applicants in the NIFT exam
  • The previous year cut-off

Last Year NIFT Seat Matrix

A total of 2370 seats are available for admission to B.Des and B.F Tech programs through NIFT 2024 Entrance Exam.

Check out the table below for the total number of seats available for various courses.

Course Specializations Total Number of Seats
Bachelor of Design (B. Des) Textile Design 390
Knitwear Design 210
Leather Design 120
Fashion Communication 420
Fashion Design 450
Accessory Design 420
Bachelor of Fashion Technology (B. F. Tech) Apparel Production 360

Refer: NIFT CAT Question Paper with Solution

NID Online Coaching

NID Online Coaching

NIFT Previous Years' Cut-Off Marks / Last Year NIFT Cut Off Marks

The NIFT previous years' cut-off was released college-wise and course-wise. If you belong to the general category, you must have secured a low rank to get admission to any NIFT participating colleges.

We have provided the closing merit rank for different colleges to help you understand the NIFT cut-off. 

Program Common Merit Rank (CMR) No. of aspirants
From To
BDes 51 317 80
BDes 319 619 90
BDes 620 825 90
BDes 828 1098 90
BDes 1104 1328 80
BDes 1331 1605 90
BDes 1612 1874 90
BDes 1882 2127 90
BDes 2128 2440 80
BDes 2443 2741 90
BDes 2747 3132 90
BDes 3133 3628 90
BDes 3629 4100 80
BDes 4110 4714 90
BDes 4715 5443 90
BDes 5448 6739 90
BDes 6744 8150 100
BDes 8161 9875 100
BDes 9883 11605 100
BDes 11658 14378 86

NIFT Cut-Off 2020

The National Institute of Fashion Technology published the NIFT cut-off marks category-wise. If you belong to the general category, the cut-off was higher than the other categories.

NIFT Kolkata Cut-Off 2020

Course name General ST SC OBC NRI
B.Des Accessory Design 1224 - 4995 4114 4910
B. Des Fashion Communication 1078 3747 3643 3448 -
B. Des Knitwear Design 1571 5105 4511 4699 -
B. Des Leather Design 2366 4327 4023 4526 -
B.F. Textile Design 1150 4515 3541 3512 -

NIFT Jodhpur Cut-Off 2020

Course name General SC ST OBC NRI
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 1218 2916 - 2342 -
Master of Fashion Management 386 - - 535 -

NIFT Hyderabad Cut-Off 2020

Course name General SC ST OBC NRI
B. Des Accessory Design 1118 5221 4102 3969 3177
B. Des Knitwear Design 1562 5159 4477 3989 -
B. Des Textile Design 1565 5078 3466 3949 -
B. Des Fashion Communication 953 3585 4060 3212 2331
B.Des in Fashion Design 422 2542 2719 1492 2379
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 465 1745 - 1167 -
Master of Fashion Management 242 495 544 479 304

Learn more: How to Prepare for the NIFT Situation Test

NIFT Online Coaching

NIFT Online Coaching

NIFT Gandhinagar Cut-Off 2020

Course name General OBC ST SC NRI
B. Des Fashion Communication 725 3919 3102 4534 3051
Bachelor of Accessory Design (Jewellery) 790 3515 4563 3591 2478
B. Des Textile Design 1166 3639 3791 3331 3076
B. Des in Fashion Design 362 3272 1255 1669 2946
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 262 1566 2217 1866 1184
M.F. Tech Apparel Production 513 508 - 80 -
Master of Fashion Management 162 481 546 498 395

NIFT Bengaluru Cut-Off 2020

Course name General OBC ST SC NRI
B. Des Accessory Design 902 3491 4194 5066 4378
B. Des Fashion Communication 517 2839 3736 1953 1638
B. Des Knitwear Design 1007 2898 4797 5117 1143
B. Des Textile Design 1001 3840 3631 3990 -
B.Des in Fashion Design 264 695 3289 1329 3524
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 236 1419 2005 2782 2103
Master of Fashion Management 116 437 482 428 318
M.F. Tech Apparel Production 502 514 - 59 1

Know more: NIFT Placements

NIFT Chennai Cut-Off 2020

Course name General OBC SC ST NRI
B. Des Accessory Design 2002 4285 4895 4108 -
B. Des in Fashion Design 784 1722 3246 1741 3313
B. Des Fashion Communication 2688 3204 3875 4617 -
B. Des Leather Design 2740 4422 4417 5224 -
B. Des Knitwear Design 2364 4158 4195 - -
B. Des Textile Design 2067 4170 5072 3695 60
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 520 1758 2635 1300 -
Master of Fashion Management 396 517 506 - 6

NIFT Bangalore Cut-Off 2019

The following table shows the course-wise cut-off marks for NIFT Bangalore.

Course name General NRI OBC SC ST
B. Des Accessory Design 902 4378 3491 5066 4194
B. Des Fashion Communication 517 1638 2839 1953 3736
B. Des Knitwear Design 1007 1143 2898 5117 4797
B. Des Textile Design 1001  - 3840 3990 3631
B.Des in Fashion Design 264 3524 695 1329 3289
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 236 2103 1419 2782 2005
M.F. Tech Apparel Production 502 1 514 59  -
Master of Fashion Management 116 318 437 428 482

Check: NIFT Fee Structure 2024

NID Online Coaching

NID Online Coaching

NIFT Bhopal Cut-Off 2019

Check out the table below for the closing merit rank for different courses in the NIFT Bhopal.

Course name General NRI OBC SC ST
B. Des Accessory Design 2671 - 4745 5270 -
B. Des Textile Design 1672 - 3779 5236 -
Master of Fashion Management 409 - 501 - 539

NIFT Bhubaneswar Cut-Off 2019

The following table consists of last year's cut-off marks for various courses in the NIFT Bhubaneswar.

Course name General OBC SC ST
B. Des Accessory Design 4020 4766 5287
B. Des Fashion Communication 2347 4636 3944 4334
B. Des Textile Design 2915 4032 5264 4758
B.Des in Fashion Design 1054 3560 4984 4352
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 1232 2537 1162  -
Master of Fashion Management 338 527  - 490

NIFT Chennai Cut-Off 2019

The closing rank of NIFT Chennai is almost similar to OBC/SC/ST category. The table below shows the NIFT Chennai Cut-off for different courses in 2019.

Course name General NRI OBC SC ST
B. Des Accessory Design 2002  - 4285 4895 4108
B. Des Fashion Communication 2688  - 3204 3875 4617
B. Des Knitwear Design 2364  - 4158 4195  -
B. Des Leather Design 2740  - 4422 4417 5224
B. Des Textile Design 2067 60 4170 5072 3695
B. Des in Fashion Design 784 3313 1722 3246 1741
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 520  - 1758 2635 1300
Master of Fashion Management 396 6 517 506 -

Read more: Which NIFT Campus is better?

NIFT Gandhinagar Cut-Off 2019

Check out the table below for NIFT Gandhinagar Cut-off for different courses for the year 2019.

Course name General NRI OBC SC ST
B. Des Fashion Communication 725 3051 3919 4534 3102
B. Des Textile Design 1166 3076 3639 3331 3791
B. Des in Fashion Design 362 2946 3272 1669 1255
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 262 1184 1566 1866 2217
Bachelor of Accessory Design (Jewellery) 790 2478 3515 3591 4563
M.F. Tech Apparel Production 513 - 508 80 -
Master of Fashion Management 162 395 481 498 546

NIFT Hyderabad Cut-Off 2019

The below table consists NIFT Hyderabad cut-off for the year 2019 for different categories.

Course name General NRI OBC SC ST
B. Des Accessory Design 1118 3177 3969 5221 4102
B. Des Fashion Communication 953 2331 3212 3585 4060
B. Des Knitwear Design 1562 - 3989 5159 4477
B. Des Textile Design 1565 - 3949 5078 3466
B.Des in Fashion Design 422 2379 1492 2542 2719
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 465 - 1167 1745 -
Master of Fashion Management 242 304 479 495 544

NIFT Jodhpur Cut-Off 2019

Here are the previous year's cut-off marks for different categories at NIFT Jodhpur.

Course name General NRI OBC SC ST
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 1218 - 2342 2916 -
Master of Fashion Management 386 - 535 - -

Check: Job Opportunities and Salary after NIFT

NIFT Mock Test Series

NIFT Mock Test series

NIFT Kangra Cut-Off 2019

The table below consists of the previous year's cut-off marks for different categories to get admission to NIFT Kangra.

Course name General NRI OBC SC ST
B.Des Accessory Design 2061 - 4236 5085 -
B. Des Fashion Communication 1694 - 4597 4816 -
B. Des Textile Design 2489 - 4679 5313 -
B. Des in Fashion Design 1809 - 3982 3861 3463
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 573 - 2552 1614 -

NIFT Kannur Cut-Off 2019

The previous year's closing merit rank of the NIFT Kannur campus for different categories is provided in the table below.

Course name General NRI OBC SC ST
B.Des Fashion Communication 2637 - 4211 3839 -
B. Des Knitwear Design 4207 - 3664 4217 4872
B. Des Textile Design 3225 - 3941 4223 -
B. Des in Fashion Design 1954 59 2618 968 3271
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 1615 - 2294 - 2620
M.Des Design Space 161 162 128 168
Master of Fashion Management 406 - 526 525 -

Know more: NIFT Exam Analysis 2024

NIFT Kolkata Cut-Off 2019

Check out the table below to know the cut-off marks of NIFT Kolkata for the previous year.

Course name General NRI OBC SC ST
B.Des Accessory Design 1224 4910 4114 4995 -
B. Des Fashion Communication 1078 - 3448 3643 3747
B. Des Knitwear Design 1571 - 4699 4511 5105
B. Des Leather Design 2366 - 4526 4023 4327
B.F. Textile Design 1150 - 3512 3541 4515

Check: NIFT Answer Key 2024

NIFT Counselling 2024

After the result declaration, the participating colleges will start the counselling procedure. If you score above the cut-off, you are only eligible for counselling.

The counselling process is organized in offline mode. Note that you will be called for counselling based on the merit list. You must follow the steps mentioned below to participate in NIFT counselling 2024.

  • Firstly, you need to register on the official website of NIFT.
  • Get NIFT system-generated letter.
  • Participate in the counselling round.
  • Make sure that your documents are verified at the counselling centre.
  • Take part in the seat allocation process.
  • Pay the admission fee for NIFT 2024.
  • Receive allotment letter.


Checking the NIFT cut-off marks is important because it helps you understand the minimum score you need to achieve to qualify for the entrance exam.

It also gives you an idea of your competition and how you need to prepare for the exam. Thus helping you plan your strategy for the exam and focus on areas you need to improve.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is NIFT Cut Off 2023?

When will the NIFT 2024 Cut Off be relased?

Where can I check cut off marks of NIFT 2024?

How many campuses are there in NIFT 2024?

Is the NIFT Cut Off same for all campuses?


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